Flowers of Yorkshire are like the women of Yorkshire. Every stage of their growth has it's own beauty, but the last fase is always the most glorious.(c) / The new Minister-in-Charge of Religious Genocide(c)
Сходи к свекрови, одолжи нормальную гирлянду!))))))
подожду йолочного базару. там за 100 рЭ собираюсь приобрести..но опять на стремянку лезть - это жЕЕЕЕсть.. та висит уже третий год) как ты мне ее повесил, так и висит
Flowers of Yorkshire are like the women of Yorkshire. Every stage of their growth has it's own beauty, but the last fase is always the most glorious.(c) / The new Minister-in-Charge of Religious Genocide(c)
Flowers of Yorkshire are like the women of Yorkshire. Every stage of their growth has it's own beauty, but the last fase is always the most glorious.(c) / The new Minister-in-Charge of Religious Genocide(c)
та висит уже третий год) как ты мне ее повесил, так и висит